Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Saying Goodbye

The last day at Women Against Rape

The last day at WAR was filled with a sense of excitement and there was a buzz in the air that surrounded my leaving.  At one point, during the mid-morning there were several staff members with cameras taking pictures of us as though to hold on long to the memories.  I realized that I was not taking any pictures but posing for others as each person wanted their own picture of me or with me. We were caught up in the moment being silly and simply enjoying each other’s company for the last time.  

Lunch was served quite late as it involved ‘brining the meat’ and then getting firewood to cook the meat on a fire pit.  I think by the time we were ready to eat I felt emotionally spent, but the staff went around the room with each person saying something they appreciated about me. With my heart already overflowing, they then started to give me the gifts they had for me and reading aloud the words they had written.   It was emotional as they thanked me for my humor, warmth and laughter to the team and my patience and humility. I was deeply touched, by their kind words and by the gifts which were meaningful and reflected shared moments.   
I of course had a surprise in return, a cake ordered and hidden from them to express my appreciation for their kindness in welcoming me so warmly into their agency.

My month in Maun was a deeply enriching experience that has certainly forever shaped how I look at the world.   

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